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Monday, October 31, 2011

Guided By Appointment

If I want to know what a particular professor or public speaker has to say, I mark my calendar with the time and date of the next seminar or speaking engagement. When I want to catch up with an old friend, we set a meeting time and place where we can attend to one another without distraction. If I have an ailment that needs medical attention, I set an appointment with my doctor. I have found this same method of tremendous help when I am in need of spiritual guidance.

We all have spirit guides, angels, to help us on our earthly sojourns. Rather than calling on them at random times, I feel a stronger connection when we have pre-set appointments. For the skeptical ones reading this, I dare you to try it! In a moment of indecision, you may say a quick last-minute prayer asking for guidance. I suggest, instead, that you set aside a particular day, time, and period for communing with your guides. Let them know when, where, and for how long you request to confer. State briefly what it is you need help with. Then, show up.

Let us suppose your scheduled time is Tuesday evening at 7:20 p.m. for one-half hour. By 7:15 p.m. on that day, be certain that all distracting activity has ceased. Get yourself into a meditative state. For some, listening to instrumental music and/or lighting candles may be helpful background. Get into a comfortable sitting position, and have a pen and paper in front of you. Tell your guides aloud, or quietly within, what assistance you are seeking. Why are you calling on them? Summarize your situation, and ask your questions. Then, listen and wait.

Depending on your unique style of psychic receptivity [we all have it!], you might hear a message, see a vision, or feel an intuitive leaning toward an answer. Write down what comes to you. Do not be discouraged if no clear answer comes immediately. Because you have initiated this contact and opened your channels, you will be lead, though perhaps not in the manner you may have expected. When your scheduled time is up, be certain to thank your angel guides for the meeting regardless of its outcome. After expressing your gratitude, set up the next appointment with your guides, letting them know the day and time you wish to meet with them again. Remain alert in the interim.                         

We can tune in and draw wisdom through our spirit guides at any time. I find that being guided by appointment is particularly helpful in getting me more focused. Perhaps you will too. For those desiring stronger contact, try inviting a friend and his/her guides to your meeting. Be sure you are both zeroing in on the same question or situation and compare notes afterwards. The more the mightier!

Be enlightened!  ~ M


  1. I set my doctors appointment. I found this a tremendous help in the same way, when I need spiritual guidance.

    appointment setting

    1. Hello kewiesterrock,

      It seems I owe you an apology. Other comments were posted here, but not yours. I found it moments ago, four months after you submitted it, sitting in my spam box. Oh, gosh!

      Thank you for visiting my blog. I am delighted that you found spiritual appointment setting useful.

      I wish you good health and so much more! Please visit again and bring your friends.

      Be enlightened! ~ M

  2. i come here as the bionic blogger, with a new left knee, 1 week old and I never knew pain--i just thought i did--but this is healing pain, and getting better, and soon i will walk like people yay!

    yesterday i went back to school.....very difficult day, but wonderful! i have to share that i received my final paper back, in my great lit course, with an "A" and a request from the professor asking if she might have the paper to use as an example for future classes! what an honor! this is such a great opportunity to remember, and feel, the kind of pride that does not say, "look what i can do!" (as in my old, ugly, drinking days) but does say, "thank you, god, for the gift of being able to do this!"

    jeez, do i sound prissy or something! just glad i learned a saner (and safer) way to view my world; easier, too, as i no longer have to run everything. is is waaay is ever interesting.......i now must read most of "Crime and Punishment" in a few days, and write a paper on it, and do this and that and i would rather be here blah blah blah-ing on.......weird item: i was just thinking about Connecting, and the moment i did, donovan's "Season of the Witch" came to mind! interesting.......

  3. sometimes i think i sound so very goody goody and quasi-rarefied and unlike my real isn't that i am not real, here, but i don't ever seem to be the linda that slouches back in jeans and a tee, street-talking (my language is generally far more colorful than i am allowed--or choose to use--here) and i have many fears which seem to persist in the face of my faith and i have ego problems (too little--too much--too undefined and met) and i procrastinate dreadfully and i often wonder how long god has been sober and i am so wrapped up in me and school that i have to think to name the vice-president (is it biden?) and i scratch where i itch and i do pain like a baby and the spacing on this is going nuts and now it is back nope gone again and that little thing makes me see red and i am greedy and selfish and i harbor, deep down, the firm belief that yes, the world really does revolve around me. i am all these things, and i am all the things that are good and that shine and as long as my spirit keeps stretching beyond my flesh, reaching for the best, i will be beautiful and laughing and free and good.

    you, too.

    life is awesome.
